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WCA Direction (for WCA Staff and Organizers)

Note: Only WCA Staff and recent organizers will see this page.

[STAFF/ORGANIZERS] Do you think it is good for major competitions to avoid big sponsors when possible?

TODO: rephrase or split up this questions to ask about prize pools/registration fees/nice venues/less sponsor pressure

WCA Euros 2018 was a major competition without a main sponsor. If you’d like, you can read a case study about this event: https://drive.google.com/file/d/1woaO-OxAZQq3l13lauHHMEqVsX4v8tV7

[STAFF/ORGANIZERS] Are you interested in your local competitions holding unofficial events to help explore adding new events to the WCA?

[STAFF/ORGANIZERS] What actions could the WCA take to help fulfill its spirit?

The Spirit of the World Cube Association is that people from all over the world have fun together in a friendly atmosphere, help each other, and behave in a sportsmanlike fashion

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