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[HAVEN'T COMPETED/NEW] Would you go to a competition in the future?

[NEW/EXPERIENCED] What is one of your favorite competition memories?

[Paragraph text field]

[NEW/EXPERIENCED] Which of the following do you think are consistently good at your local competitions?

Select all that apply.

[ALL] If you plan to compete in the future, what are the major reasons?

Select all that apply.

[ALL] What would keep you from competing in the future?

Select all that apply.

[ALL] What is one thing you think the WCA could do for new competitors?

[Single-line text field]

[EXPERIENCED] What is one thing you think the WCA could do to improve the experience of those who compete regularly?

[Single-line text field]

[ALL] Which of the following do you think are the best ideas for appealing to casual cubers and non-cubers (e.g. parents, friends)?

Select as many as you want.
